
admin 发表于 2017-2-4 13:38:32

氛围驰放Solarsoul (Igor Shalin) - 7 releases - 2011-2016 [WEB, 16-24bit], FLA...

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<center><br><br><font color="White"><br></font><span style="font-family: Georgia;"><span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: normal;"><span class="post-b"><font color="White"><span class="post-align" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: normal;">Solarsoul (Igor Shalin) - musician, producer and art-painter, from Russia, Moscow Region.<br>
Leading directors for of many channels on Digitally Imported Radio and RadioTunes.<br>
The owner of the label «Galileo Dreams».<br><br></span></span></font></span></span></span><span style="font-family: Georgia;"><span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: normal;"><span class="post-b"><font color="White"><span class="post-align" style="text-align: center;"><span class="post-b">音乐流派</span>: Ambient, Chillout, Space Music<br>
<span class="post-b">发行国家</span>: Россия (Москва)俄罗斯 莫斯科<br>
<span class="post-b">磁盘发行国家</span>: Belgium, Russia【比利时&nbsp; 俄罗斯】<br>
<span class="post-b">发行时间</span>: 2011-2016<br>
<span class="post-b">专辑类型</span>: WEB, Album, EPs, Singles, 16-24bit<br>
<span class="post-b">厂牌</span>: Bonzai Elemental, Galileo Dreams, Not on Label<span class="post-br"><br></span><span class="post-b">音频编解码</span>: FLAC (*.flac)<br>
<span class="post-b">专辑来源</span>: beatport, junodownload, bandcamp, net<br>
</span></font></span><font color="White"><span class="post-b"></span></font></span></span><br><span style="font-family: Georgia;"><span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: normal;"><font color="White"><span class="post-b">Solarsoul (настоящее имя Игорь) родился 29 ноября в 1980 году. Серьезно
увлекаться музыкой начал с 2005 года. Перебрал для себя множество стилей
и направлений в электронной музыке оставил предпочтение направлению
chillout и ambient как более гармоничную и спокойную музыку, подходящую
для него. Первой работой в этой области музыки стала компиляция Fantasy
Feeling &amp; Soul записанная в июне 2006 года, все затевалось как
эксперимент в данном направлении. Но из реакции друзей и просто людей из
сети понял, что на этом не стоит останавливаться, что он и делает и по
сей день, радуя нас своими красочными, спокойными компиляциями в стиле
chillout &amp; ambient. Далее за ним последовало целая серия работ в
области сведения этого стиля. Спокойная музыка, погружающая вас в
состоянии гармонии.<br>
Автор радио шоу "Shining Sleep" (Яркий сон), которое начало свой путь в
апреле 2008 года на Канадской интернет радио станции ETN.FM. После
закрытия воскресной программы Девида Эмонина на ETN.FM радио шоу
продолжило транслировать на Московской интернет станции StarNet.FM и в
середине 2009 "Яркий Сон"окончательно обосновался на станции CHILLOUT
Ведущий и директор каналов:<br>
Digitally Imported Radio - "Space Dreams Channel", "Chillout Dreams Channel", "Ambient Channel"<br>
SKY.FM - "Dreamscapes Channel", "New Age Channel", "Vocal New Age", "Nature Channel", "Relaxation Channel"</span></font><font color="White"> </font></span></span><font color="White"><span style="font-family: Georgia;"><span style="font-size: 16px; line-height: normal;"></span></span><br></font><br><br><font color="White">Solarsoul (Igor Shalin) - musician, producer and art-painter, from Russia, Moscow Region.<span class="post-br"><br></span>Leading directors for of many channels on Digitally Imported Radio and RadioTunes.<br>
The owner of the label «Galileo Dreams».<br>
The creator of radio show «Shining Sleep», which started in 2008 year. In 2011 year it was closed.<span class="post-br"><br></span>Some words about me.<br>
I’m not a master of beautiful writing about myself, so it’ll be rather short.<span class="post-br"><br></span>I have another passion except music. This is astronomy, and all this is connected with cosmos, universe and other civilizations.<span class="post-br"><br></span>I like watching in my telescope in summer night and represent in my head mysterious galaxy, nebula, stars.<br>
When I was young, I was an amateur artist. I am sure it was painting, than helped me to create my music, my radio shows.<br>
Nothing happens by chance in this life and everything, is determined.<br>
While I was making music I met many amazing talented and really wonderful people from different part of the world.<br>
Music is probably one of the languages that don’t need to be translated.
People understand each other without words, and really, music has no
age limit.<span class="post-br"><br></span>In all the time that I make music, I met many wonderful and talented people of different parts of the world.<br>
Music is probably one of the few languages that does not need to be
translated, and people understand each other without words and for she
has no age limit.<br>
I am very grateful to the musicians with whom I worked and created music.<br>
Special thanks to Kristin Amarie, Nimanty, Hollan Holmes, Ryan Farish,
Saint of Sin , Jasmin Faridi,<br>
Anhidema, Echo-Es, Nale.<span class="post-br"><br></span>I wish you peace and quietness in your hearts, appreciate every moment of your life and enjoy every minute of it.<br>
Take care of yourself, your nearest and dearest. And let you soul always shine, no matter whats’s around you.<br><font face="Trebuchet MS">&nbsp;</font></font></center>

<center> <br></center>
<center><br><font color="White">2011 - Solarsoul - Heart &amp; Soul of the Earth</font></center><center><font color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS"></font></font><iframe src="http://www.junodownload.com/player-embed/1859992-02.m3u/?pl=false&amp;pn=false&amp;jd=true" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="120" frameborder="no"></iframe> <br></center>
<center>&nbsp;2<font color="White">016 - Solarsoul - Terra Nova (Digital Edition) </font></center><br><center><font color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS"></font></font> <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=3547609951/size=small/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/transparent=true/" seamless=""><a href="http://solarsoul.bandcamp.com/album/terra-nova-album-2016-digital-edition">TERRA NOVA Digital Edition by Solarsoul</a></iframe><br><font color="White">2011 - Solarsoul - Moments of Life (EP)</font><br><font color="White"><span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: normal;"><span class="post-b">01</span>. Deep Dive <span class="post-i">(06:58)</span><br>
<span class="post-b">02</span>. We Are Not Alone in the Universe <span class="post-i">(04:01)</span><br>
<span class="post-b">03</span>. Morning Kiss <span class="post-i">(04:18)</span><br>
<span class="post-b">04</span>. Lullaby for Marguerite <span class="post-i">(02:39)</span><br>
<span class="post-b">05</span>. Fatal Star <span class="post-i">(03:01)</span></span></font><span class="post-br"><br></span><br><font color="White">2013 - Solarsoul - Chillout Moment (EP) <br><iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1045034590/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless=""><a href="http://solarsoul.bandcamp.com/album/chillout-moment-ep-2013">Chillout Moment by Solarsoul</a></iframe><br><br></font></center><font color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS">
<center><font color="White">2014 - Solarsoul, Nimanty - Discovery of the Universe (Single)<br><br></font><font color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS">
</font></font><center><br><font color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS">2014 - Solarsoul, Saint of Sin - Don't Look Back (Single) <br><font color="Yellow"><font size="6"><iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=3319348736/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless=""><a href="http://solarsoul.bandcamp.com/album/don-t-look-back-single-2014">Don’t Look Back by Solarsoul, Saint Of Sin</a></iframe><br></font></font></font></font><br><font color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><font color="Yellow"><font size="6"><font size="3" color="White">2016 - Solarsoul - Theory of Relativity - Albert Einsteine (Single) <br><font color="Yellow"><font size="6"><iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=950645358/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless=""><a href="http://solarsoul.bandcamp.com/album/theory-of-relativity-albert-einsteine-single-2016">Theory of Relativity - Albert Einsteine by Solarsoul</a></iframe></font></font><br></font></font></font><font size="6" color="Yellow">提取码<br><font color="#fffff4"><var><font color="White">e8tb</font></var></font></font><br><br></font></font><font size="3" color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><font size="2"><span class="post-b"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><font color="white"><font face="Trebuchet MS">&nbsp;</font></font></font></span></font></font></font></center></center><font size="3" color="#fffff4"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><font size="2"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><font color="white"><font face="Trebuchet MS">
</font></font></font><center><font face="Trebuchet MS"><font color="white"><font face="Trebuchet MS"></font></font></font>
<center><font color="#663300"><font color="darkred"><font color="#fffff4"><font color="white"><font size="2" face="黑体" color="yellow">**** Hidden Message *****</font></font></font></font></font></center>
<center>&nbsp;</center><font color="#663300"><font color="darkred"><font color="#fffff4"><font color="white">
<center><font color="#ffffff"><font size="5" color="#ff0000"><font face="微软雅黑"><strong><font face="楷体">淡月疏影收藏</font> </strong></font></font></font></center></font></font></font></font></center></font>

jsnjljy000 发表于 2017-2-4 13:55:03

大单子啊 辛苦了淡月

yunyan 发表于 2017-2-4 14:16:21


小虫极品 发表于 2017-2-4 14:56:37


泡泡 发表于 2017-2-4 15:50:33

大礼包啊!!!感谢淡月无私分享 新年快乐 鸡年大鸡大利!!!:handshake

kfhgng 发表于 2017-2-4 18:25:36

音乐大工程 谢谢分享

diewutianya 发表于 2017-2-4 19:15:57


五迷三道 发表于 2017-2-4 19:57:14


爱吻天使 发表于 2017-2-4 20:56:53


cxf416 发表于 2017-2-4 21:54:09

有几张 还是淡月这个全,感谢分享。
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查看完整版本: 氛围驰放Solarsoul (Igor Shalin) - 7 releases - 2011-2016 [WEB, 16-24bit], FLA...